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Bring The Fresh, Vibrant Energy Of Spring Wildlife Into Your Home

Updated: Apr 24, 2023

with my brand new

Wild Britain "Mini" Limited Edition Prints - now available

Do you love Spring and the new, fresh feeling it brings for us? Yesterday was the first day that I really felt the strong and beautiful energy of this season, as the sun shone down and Ruby, the daughter of Mrs Rabbit, hopped back into our cottage garden, months after we last saw her. What a delight it was to greet her and to give her all our love.

Last week I was sat in my studio looking out across the rolling hills and to my utter delight a beautiful red fox trotted out from the woodlands and spent a good few minutes in the field. As I sent my sheer love and delight to him from my studio window he stopped and looked up at me, acknowledging me and receiving my love. He was the first fox I've seen for several years here in rural South Derbyshire, which made his visit even more special.

Now, this will make more sense to you in a moment, why this was such a lovely blessing to me... because since the beginning of this year I've been contemplating how to offer a new and different way of sharing my Wild Britain collection with you. Gradually the idea has taken shape and finally came to fruition during March...

Each quarter I am releasing 3 pieces from my collection - 3 species that speak to the season and offer beautiful supportive energy and wisdom for you. I am creating ONLY 20 signed limited edition prints of each one. That's it. No more in this particular release will EVER be made. This makes them especially collectable and a great investment for you.

They are small and perfectly formed. Partly so that you can, if you choose, cluster them in small spaces in your home creating wild gatherings of your own choosing to brighten, lighten and energise your home. Perfectly formed as they will fit straight into a standard sized A4 frame, allowing you to pick from a retailer or to ask your own framer to create them for you, so you have flexibility to decide which option you prefer.

At just £25 (including UK P&P) they are super affordable and collectable too! Each year as my art increases in value your investment will grow and flourish. I hope this makes you smile and that you're keen to see "who" the first three are that I chose.

So, who are our first three beauties for Spring, I hear you ask? Let me unveil them to you in this short video below..... drum roll please....!!

So now that you realise why my sightings of Ruby and the Fox were such a blessing and that you've met each of them in my video simply click HERE to find out more, view & invest in them, quickly and easily. (If you're not in the UK contact me HERE - let me know your order details and your country. I'll send a simple instantly payable invoice for you instead).

If you'd like to be notified each quarter, as I release the next 3 editions, simply subscribe to my mailing list HERE where you'll receive early notification, as a part of my monthly newsletters. You'll also be entered into my monthly prize draw to win one of my willdlife postcards too!

I hope you've enjoyed seeing and hearing more about my brand new Wild Britain Mini Limited Edition Release and I look forward to connecting with you again soon! Love Jules XXX



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