My Original Art Silent Online Auction in support of the Beaver Reintroduction by
Derbyshire Wildlife Trust at
Willington Wetlands Reserve, South Derbyshire.

"The Heart Shaped Beaver" - Original Fine Art
Well, that's a wrap! My "Bid For Beavers!' auction closed at midday on Saturday 20th May and I'm absolutely DELIGHTED to share with you that the winning bidder was the lovely Margot Madin. CONGRATULATIONS to you Margot, I am so delighted for you and that "The Heart Shaped Beaver" will be taking up residence in your home very shortly. Thank you so much for your generosity and love for the Beavers and the vital restoration work they are doing at Willington. Thank you to everyone who supported my auction whether it be by placing a bid, sharing my posts and updates, telling friends and loved ones or liking/commenting on my social media. it all made such a difference. Thank you also to Derbyshire Wildlife Trust whose team supported my auction by sharing it across their networks of wonderful wildlife lovers. It was so great to work in partnership with you all. I think the Beavers would approve of our collaborative efforts!
I am thrilled to be sending over a donation to the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust representing 40% of the winning bid - which they will allocate specifically to Willington Wetlands and the Beaver reintroduction. It feels so good to be helping to support this wonderful project through my art. It's a big part of why I create wildlife art, alongside wanting to help raise awareness of the vital importance that all species have in this world and how we can all benefit from learning from their unique energy and wisdom. When we aspire to be better humans, everyone benefits.
I also wanted to share with you that last Wednesday evening I was delighted to spend a few hours with the fantastic Helen, who works with the Wildlife Trust over at Willington. It was the most thrilling and amazing experience! It felt like stepping back in time - 800 years back, in fact, to when the last Beavers lived in Derbyshire. I made a short live video whilst I was there at Willington so if you haven't seen it yet (over on my Instagram profile) you can watch it by clicking HERE
Also, if you'd like to follow the progress of the Beavers at Willington Wetlands do make sure you follow the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust's specific Instagram profile HERE where they regularly share the latest videos of the Beavers and all the many other animals and birds that are at Willington Wetlands, it is SO inspiring and optimistic!
Well, that's all from me for now - I am heading up to the Scottish Highlands for two weeks at the end of May so I will be back once I return, I a SURE with many wildlife stories and magic to share with you. Take good care of yourself and of beautiful wildlife and nature too.
Love Jules XXX

The Beavers approve! Image shared with thanks from Steve Raubenstine of Pixabay